
Roseau, Dominica



The Commonwealth of Dominica Citizenship by Investment programme is one of the Caribbean's most sought after programme. The reason being the country's solid legal system and the government's orientation towards immigration and citizenship. The Commonwealth of Dominica is a member of the CARICOM (Caribbean Community). The Dominica passport is also classified as a CARICOM passport. Being a member of the British Commonwealth, The Commonwealth of Dominica Citizenship is a status that entails its bearer access to the United Kingdom as well as Schengen states.

History of the Programme

The Citizenship by Investment programme was first introduced in 1993. The programme has since witnessed various changes to the selection criteria, eligibility and admission conditions. In 2014, the government of the Commonwealth of Dominica introduced the Real Estate Investment option where foreign nationals may invest a sum of USD$200,000 or more to be eligible to apply.


This programme was created pursuant to Section 101 of the Constitution, Sections 8 and 20 (1) of the Citizenship Act and The Commonwealth of Dominica Citizenship by Investment new Regulations, 2024 (S.R.&O. 8 of 2024).


Country Facts and Benefits of the Dominica Citizenship

  • Mobility; an investor carrying a Commonwealth of Dominica Passport enjoys visa-free travel (for visiting purposes only) to over 120 countries and territories. This includes Singapore, Hong Kong, China and European Union countries.

  • Minimal taxation – no wealth, gift, inheritance, foreign income, or capital gains tax.

  • Full residence status, with the right to live and work in Dominica.

  • Dual citizenship is permissible by Dominica law.

  • For Real Estate Investors; a solid and tracked growth in property prices and the noticeable capital gain realized.


Investment Options
Contribution to the Economic Diversification Fund (commonly known as the donation option)

The contribution option helps the government of The Commonwealth of Dominica in building schools, hospitals, sports facilities and other projects that would serve the interests of the residents of the country. Investors who choose this avenue to invest in and apply for citizenship should not expect a refund of the investment amount or any part of it.

Investment amounts associated with the Contribution to the Economic Diversification Fund

  1. Single Applicant: USD$200,000 
  2. Single Applicant, Spouse & two children: USD$250,000
  3. Any additional dependent under the age of 18:  USD$25,000 
  4. Any additional dependent 18 years of age or older:  USD$40,000 


Investment in pre-approved Real Estate projects

A foreign national seeking to acquire the Commonwealth of Dominica's citizenship through this avenue, must invest a minimum of USD$200,000 in a governmentally approved real estate project. Additional governmental fees apply to this investment option as detailed below:

  • USD$75,000 for a single applicant;
  • USD$100,000 for a family of up to four persons, including the main applicant and up to three dependents;
  • Any additional dependent under the age of 18:  USD$25,000 
  • Any additional dependent 18 years of age or older:  USD$40,000 

ACIC Inc. has performed a thorough Due Diligence on all projects currently approved by the Citizenship By Investment Unit. Where an analysis of the the history, financial standing and deliverable schedules of the projects as well, construction stages and accomplishments pursuant to contractual schedules, and the potential capital gain of the share values to be purchased by the investor.

Please contact our operations team for more details.

Following are all the real estate projects approved by the government of the Commonwealth of Dominica:

Processing fees (government fees) that apply to both investment options:

Processing Fee: USD$1,000 per application
Due Diligence fees:  USD$7,500 for the main investor and USD$4,000 for the spouse. Children over 16 years of age who meet the dependency definition are charged USD$4,000 for the due diligence as well.
Interview Fees for applicants 16 years and above : USD$1,000
Other Fees: Certificate of Naturalisation fee – USD$500 per person, Expedited  Passport Fee: USD$1,256 per person or Regular Passport Fee: USD$56 for adults and USD$28 for minors.




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