Starting February 2022, clients of ACIC can start enjoying an array of services designed to manage properties across Europe, North America and the Caribbean. Our custom-tailored property management solution, offers maintenance, rental, tax advisory, and re-sale services that make what is usually a nuisance to property owners into an enjoyable experience.
Depending on the size, complexity of the transaction attributed to your property, a custom-tailored service package will be formulated and agreed upon. Once we are officially engaged, all you need to do is deliver the keys and we will take care of the rest.
Key Services:
Property Financials:
Ensuring that your property taxes, condominium charges and any other ongoing financial obligations are attended to by a competent tax advisor / accountant.
Merits of this service:
We understand how cumbersome it can be to need to maintain a doorbell or an automatic Garage remote, or even a malfunctioning AC unit while you are outside the country where your property is located. This burden can be easily allayed when you subscribe to this service. ACIC has made agreements with experienced service providers in all countries where our clients have invested in real property, where such mishaps can be quickly and competently resolved.
Our third-party service providers are experienced in general maintenance and are reasonably priced. The way we manage the maintenance aspect is very transparent. If your AC requires a new filter, we ask the service provider to provide two or three offers from the local market for the price of this spare part. We then leave it to the property owner to decide which part to buy.
Merits of this service; a fully functioning property will keep tenants happy and will keep the property rented for a much longer period. Moreover, maintenance of faults when they first occur reduces the risk of aggravated damages and the need for more serious maintenance.
In the case a property owner wishes to rent his property, ACIC will assist in linking the owner with the right real estate agency. Choosing an agent wisely will reduce the time needed to rent the property out and target a higher yield. We negotiate rent promotion contracts with realtors, commissions and other caveats that pertain to exclusivity and utilities usage during the promotion period.
Sale of properties: (Not included in the standard subscription fee)
In the case an applicant wishes to liquidate his asset, ACIC will agree on a percentage of the total value of the transaction to manage the sale process. Because property sales in Europe and North America, carries a significant tax liability that has to be carefully dealt with, and in the case of a link to an immigration application, sales of properties are intricate and must be carefully planned.
The correct capital gain tax must be declared and paid. Through our tax experts, we assist our clients in understanding their deductibles, and how to minimize the capital gains tax they will suffer as a result of the transaction. In some cases, a re-structuring of the ownership has to be implemented before the execution of the sale to try and minimize the taxes suffered.
In the case of the presence of an immigration / citizenship link, we issue a written legal opinion advising the owner of the impact of this sale on their immigration status. We then assess the sale contracts to ensure that they protect the interests of our client and that there are no sharp corners that need to be avoided.
In many instances, clients who have been holding on to their properties for a long time, will most probably have no bank account in the country they invested in or they may have their bank accounts transformed to dormant. ACIC will assist with this matter by building a compliance file that will be presented to the bank to facilitate the receipt of payment and the transfer of the proceeds to any account abroad.
Subscribers to this service will receive monthly, quarterly or annual reports. The frequency of the reports can be customized as per the client’s preference.
ACIC’s reporting system contains images, when necessary, love video feeds, and third-party quotations and reports.
Any additional services pertaining to assets acquisitions or corporate re-structuring will be billed on an hourly basis after a scope is identified and approved by the client.
How to subscribe to this service:
If you would like to subscribe to this service, you can simply send us an email and ask us to share a copy of our agreement with you. Once the agreement is signed, we will send you an invoice and request that you deliver the keys to your property over to us. We will take care of the rest.
Our history in this business:
Due to its exposure to real estate assets as part of its Immigration / citizenship practice, ACIC has mustered profound experience in the field of facility, community and property management. We have a portfolio of clients with over 75Million of European real estate assets, Over CAD$120Million and approximately USD$10Million of Caribbean properties. Due to the immensity of the work involved in managing our clients’ properties, the above “Cost Recovery Fee” had to be implemented to allow us to continue providing the same level of service. the client.