
Global Immigration

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Citizenship and Residence by Investment
What we do, how we do it ...

ACIC Inc.’s Global Immigration unit assists applicants by providing world class coordination services where legal practitioners, real estate agents, and other professionals are recruited to provide formal representation to applicants before the relevant immigration authorities in any of the jurisdictions we practice.

Our global unit has derived its ideology and engagement, processing and follow up strategies from the world’s most developed immigration system, the Canadian system. Our Canadian regulator’s code of ethical conduct, client account regulations and most importantly our internationally renowned due diligence processes are all applied to our global practice. Although many of our application process components are not required by the local immigration authorities at the present time, our forecast and view of the evolution of immigration programmes will prove that the level of precision and scrutiny we exercise is invaluable.

Our clients have reported capital gains on assets purchased on the back of ACIC's due diligence process, reasonable income and above all a sense of security of investment safety derived from the true market value of the asset bought.

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