Conservatives in Canada voted for the motion to end birth tourism. The motion if passed as law, simply put, will deny Canadian citizenship status to babies born on Canadian land whose parents are not Canadian Citizens.
At the premise of the party’s convention in Halifax, the end of Citizenship by Birthright was voted on and the motion was passed with a very close proximity to a deadlock.
British Columbia MP Alice Wong supported the motion whilst Alberta MP Deepak Obhari opposed it.
Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer released a statement on Sunday August 26, 2018 showing support to the vote.
Sheer explained in his statement: “Ending birth tourism will be among the objectives of our policy,” the statement read. “Conservatives recognize there are many Canadians who have been born in Canada by parents who have come here to stay and have contributed greatly to our country. I will not end the core policy that facilitates this. Unlike Justin Trudeau, I will safeguard it against abuse.”
Since its inception, ACIC has been a staunch advocate against birth tourism. Bulletins were sent in mass numbers and informational seminars were held to explain the dangers of lying on a visit visa application and declaring an intent to visit Canada for tourism or meeting family members, whilst the actual reason of the trip is to give birth to a child.
If this motion becomes law, a great burden will be alleviated where visa officers at immigration missions outside Canada will no longer need to vet the applicant’s intentions to detect if they are planning to travel to Canada to give birth to a child, as there will no longer be any incentive for the parents to do so if there is no Citizenship resulting from this very costly and unlawfully declared trip.
Muhannad Samara, RCIC /
For ACIC Inc.